And one more makes 4

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Going Garage Saling

Today Charlotte and I are going to enjoy the beauty of a Minnesota summer and do some garage saling. After participating in a garage sale last weekend with my friends I'm pretty sure that people just want to get rid of their crap and that if you want it, at a relatively decent price, they'll sell it to you. So....I don't know exactly what we are setting out for, probably clothes for Charlotte and a book for me, but I'm sure whatever we get we'll need it. The pics. above are of Charlotte at Grandma and Grandpa Samson's house in St. Paul. The pool, albeit the same pool as wehave , is apparently much more fun at Grandma's than ours at home. Her favorite thing to do is line all the toys up on the step and of course drink the incredibly healthy water that has surely been filtered into the pool, right?
Well...we'll have to let you in on what our garage sale finds are...but before then enjoy the rest of the week and hopefully you all have access to a pool or lake because this humidity is just wretched.

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